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(barbarian power armor) , (barbarian style), bellybutton, The most beautiful and sexy demon goddess, long ashy hair, glowing red eyes, wearing detailed black gothic battle armor, (tattoos and piercings), perfect masterpiece, high quality, high resolution, ((horror girl)), blood big armor, naked, ,FFIXBG, ((a heart on the parkling red eyes ,IMGFIX,liliana,breast curtains,emb3r4rmor,DonMC3l3st14l3xpl0r3rsXL,High detailed ,DonMBl00mingF41ryXL ,EpicArt,midjourney, looks at the viewer, perfect legs,titsonastick, big tits,nipples,topless_(female) Negative Prompt verybadimagenegative_v1.3, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, (ugly face:0.8),cross-eyed,sketches, (worst quality:2), (low quality:2), (normal quality:2), lowres, normal quality, ((monochrome)), ((grayscale)), skin spots, acnes, skin blemishes, bad anatomy, DeepNegative, facing away, tilted head, {Multiple people}, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worstquality, low quality, normal quality, jpegartifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, bad feet, cropped, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn face, mutation, deformed, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, extra fingers, fewer digits, extra limbs, extra arms,extra legs, malformed limbs, fused fingers, too many fingers, long neck, cross-eyed,mutated hands, polar lowres, bad body, bad proportions, gross proportions, text, error, missing fingers, missing arms, missing legs, extra digit, extra arms, extra leg, extra foot, ((repeating hair)) Models Basic Model CAT - Citron Anime Treasure - v1.0

LoRA Faputa from Made In Abyss - 1

1.2 LoRA Tits on a stick | olaz - v1


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Add ControlNet VAE kl-f8-anime2.ckpt Settings Aspect Ratio Sampling Method DPM++ 3M SDE Karras Sampling Steps 25 CFG Scale 8 Seed Click to use current image seed 2586567965 Empty for random Empty for random Advanced Settings Hires.fix Upscale by (resize: from 512x768 to 1024x1536) Upscaler 4x-UltraSharp Hires Steps 25 Denoising Strength 0.5


(barbarian power armor) , (barbarian style), bellybutton, The most beautiful and sexy demon goddess, long ashy hair, glowing red eyes, wearing detailed black gothic battle armor, (tattoos and piercings), perfect masterpiece, high quality, high resolution, ((horror girl)), blood big armor, naked, ,FFIXBG, ((a heart on the parkling red eyes ,IMGFIX,liliana,breast curtains,emb3r4rmor,DonMC3l3st14l3xpl0r3rsXL,High detailed ,DonMBl00mingF41ryXL ,EpicArt,midjourney, looks at the viewer, perfect legs,titsonastick, big tits,nipples,topless_(female) Negative Prompt verybadimagenegative_v1.3, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, (ugly face:0.8),cross-eyed,sketches, (worst quality:2), (low quality:2), (normal quality:2), lowres, normal quality, ((monochrome)), ((grayscale)), skin spots, acnes, skin blemishes, bad anatomy, DeepNegative, facing away, tilted head, {Multiple people}, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worstquality, low quality, normal quality, jpegartifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, bad feet, cropped, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn face, mutation, deformed, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, extra fingers, fewer digits, extra limbs, extra arms,extra legs, malformed limbs, fused fingers, too many fingers, long neck, cross-eyed,mutated hands, polar lowres, bad body, bad proportions, gross proportions, text, error, missing fingers, missing arms, missing legs, extra digit, extra arms, extra leg, extra foot, ((repeating hair)) Models Basic Model OrangeChillMix - v7.0

LoRA Faputa from Made In Abyss - 1

1.2 LoRA Tits on a stick | olaz - v1


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Add ControlNet VAE kl-f8-anime2.ckpt Settings Aspect Ratio Sampling Method DPM++ 3M SDE Karras Sampling Steps 25 CFG Scale 8 Seed Click to use current image seed 300666185 Empty for random Empty for random Advanced Settings Hires.fix Upscale by (resize: from 512x768 to 1024x1536) Upscaler 4x-UltraSharp Hires Steps 25 Denoising Strength 0.5

Sorry baby. I already nutted. It's those eyes baby, those eyes.

3 in one, awesome dude

Bet his cum tastes like salty blueberries.

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