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(masterpiece), (best quality), (ultra-detailed), woman, tan_skin, gigantic breast, beautiful breast shape, Tear Drop breast, smile, no clothing, high heels, nudity, hand holding rifle, long hair,

white background, charactersheet, full body, multiple views full body upper body, character design, front view design, back view design, side_view_design, black_socks,tattoos

,Milf, mature female, gigantic sagging breasts,nipples, large breasts, gigantic breasts, sagging breasts,upshirt Prompt Negativo (EasyNegative), verybadimagenegative_v1.3, (worst quality, low quality:1.2), (no duplicate ears:1.2), bad finger, extra finger, bad detail body, orange,red, Modelos Modelo Base ColorMax AniAir - 1

LoRA Multiple views - 1

0.8 LoRA Bursting Breasts | Undersized Clothes - FefaAIart - 1.0

0.8 LoRA Underboob Bikini - v1


Añadir LoRA Añadir Embedding

Añadir ControlNet VAE vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt Configuración Relación de Aspecto Método de Sampleo DPM++ SDE Karras Pasos de Sampleo 25 Escala CFG 10 Semilla Haz click para usar la semilla de la imagen actual 1703276734 Dejar vacío para semilla aleatoria Dejar vacío para semilla aleatoria Configuración Avanzada Hires.fix Escalar por factor de: (redimensionando de 768x512 a 1536x1024) Upscaler 4x-UltraSharp Etapas de Upscaling 25 Fuerza de Denoising 0.5 ADetailer Modelo ADetailer

Añadir LoRA Prompt ADetailer Naturally Radiant, (large expressive Captivating Eyes), Sculpted Cheekbones, Seductive Lips, long thick eyelashes, Enchanting Allure. Prompt Negativo ADetailer poorly drawn face, EasynegativeV2 Umbral de confianza del modelo de detección 0.5 Difuminado de máscara de Inpaint 4 Fuerza de Denoising 0.5


(masterpiece), (best quality), (ultra-detailed), woman, tan_skin, gigantic breast, beautiful breast shape, Tear Drop breast, smile, no clothing, high heels, nudity, hand holding rifle, long hair,

white background, charactersheet, full body, multiple views full body upper body, character design, front view design, back view design, side_view_design, black_socks,tattoos

,Milf, mature female, gigantic sagging breasts,nipples, large breasts, gigantic breasts, sagging breasts,upshirt Prompt Negativo (EasyNegative), verybadimagenegative_v1.3, (worst quality, low quality:1.2), (no duplicate ears:1.2), bad finger, extra finger, bad detail body, orange,red, Modelos Modelo Base ColorMax AniAir - 1

LoRA Multiple views - 1

0.8 LoRA Bursting Breasts | Undersized Clothes - FefaAIart - 1.0

0.8 LoRA Underboob Bikini - v1


Añadir LoRA Añadir Embedding

Añadir ControlNet VAE vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt Configuración Relación de Aspecto Método de Sampleo DPM++ SDE Karras Pasos de Sampleo 25 Escala CFG 10 Semilla Haz click para usar la semilla de la imagen actual 1730307773 Dejar vacío para semilla aleatoria Dejar vacío para semilla aleatoria Configuración Avanzada Hires.fix Escalar por factor de: (redimensionando de 768x512 a 1536x1024) Upscaler 4x-UltraSharp Etapas de Upscaling 25 Fuerza de Denoising 0.5 ADetailer Modelo ADetailer

Añadir LoRA Prompt ADetailer Naturally Radiant, (large expressive Captivating Eyes), Sculpted Cheekbones, Seductive Lips, long thick eyelashes, Enchanting Allure. Prompt Negativo ADetailer poorly drawn face, EasynegativeV2 Umbral de confianza del modelo de detección 0.5 Difuminado de máscara de Inpaint 4 Fuerza de Denoising 0.5


(masterpiece), (best quality), (ultra-detailed), woman, tan_skin, gigantic breast, beautiful breast shape, Tear Drop breast, smile, no clothing, high heels, nudity, hand holding rifle, long hair,

white background, charactersheet, full body, multiple views full body upper body, character design, front view design, back view design, side_view_design, black_socks,tattoos

,Milf, mature female, gigantic sagging breasts,nipples, large breasts, gigantic breasts, sagging breasts,upshirt Prompt Negativo (EasyNegative), verybadimagenegative_v1.3, (worst quality, low quality:1.2), (no duplicate ears:1.2), bad finger, extra finger, bad detail body, orange,red, Modelos Modelo Base ColorMax AniAir - 1

LoRA Multiple views - 1

0.8 LoRA Bursting Breasts | Undersized Clothes - FefaAIart - 1.0

0.8 LoRA Underboob Bikini - v1


Añadir LoRA Añadir Embedding

Añadir ControlNet VAE vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt Configuración Relación de Aspecto Método de Sampleo DPM++ SDE Karras Pasos de Sampleo 25 Escala CFG 10 Semilla Haz click para usar la semilla de la imagen actual 2865599540 Dejar vacío para semilla aleatoria Dejar vacío para semilla aleatoria Configuración Avanzada Hires.fix Escalar por factor de: (redimensionando de 768x512 a 1536x1024) Upscaler 4x-UltraSharp Etapas de Upscaling 25 Fuerza de Denoising 0.5 ADetailer Modelo ADetailer

Añadir LoRA Prompt ADetailer Naturally Radiant, (large expressive Captivating Eyes), Sculpted Cheekbones, Seductive Lips, long thick eyelashes, Enchanting Allure. Prompt Negativo ADetailer poorly drawn face, EasynegativeV2 Umbral de confianza del modelo de detección 0.5 Difuminado de máscara de Inpaint 4 Fuerza de Denoising 0.5


(masterpiece), (best quality), (ultra-detailed), woman, tan_skin, gigantic breast, beautiful breast shape, Tear Drop breast, smile, no clothing, high heels, nudity, hand holding rifle, long hair,

white background, charactersheet, full body, multiple views full body upper body, character design, front view design, back view design, side_view_design, black_socks,tattoos

,Milf, mature female, gigantic sagging breasts,nipples, large breasts, gigantic breasts, sagging breasts,upshirt Prompt Negativo (EasyNegative), verybadimagenegative_v1.3, (worst quality, low quality:1.2), (no duplicate ears:1.2), bad finger, extra finger, bad detail body, orange,red, Modelos Modelo Base ColorMax AniAir - 1

LoRA Multiple views - 1

0.8 LoRA Bursting Breasts | Undersized Clothes - FefaAIart - 1.0

0.8 LoRA Underboob Bikini - v1


Añadir LoRA Añadir Embedding

Añadir ControlNet VAE vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt Configuración Relación de Aspecto Método de Sampleo DPM++ SDE Karras Pasos de Sampleo 25 Escala CFG 10 Semilla Haz click para usar la semilla de la imagen actual 3494012312 Dejar vacío para semilla aleatoria Dejar vacío para semilla aleatoria Configuración Avanzada Hires.fix Escalar por factor de: (redimensionando de 768x512 a 1536x1024) Upscaler 4x-UltraSharp Etapas de Upscaling 25 Fuerza de Denoising 0.5 ADetailer Modelo ADetailer

Añadir LoRA Prompt ADetailer Naturally Radiant, (large expressive Captivating Eyes), Sculpted Cheekbones, Seductive Lips, long thick eyelashes, Enchanting Allure. Prompt Negativo ADetailer poorly drawn face, EasynegativeV2 Umbral de confianza del modelo de detección 0.5 Difuminado de máscara de Inpaint 4 Fuerza de Denoising 0.5


(masterpiece), (best quality), (ultra-detailed), woman, tan_skin, gigantic breast, beautiful breast shape, Tear Drop breast, smile, no clothing, high heels, nudity, hand holding rifle, long hair,

white background, charactersheet, full body, multiple views full body upper body, character design, front view design, back view design, side_view_design, black_socks,tattoos

,Milf, mature female, gigantic sagging breasts,nipples, large breasts, gigantic breasts, sagging breasts,upshirt Prompt Negativo (EasyNegative), verybadimagenegative_v1.3, (worst quality, low quality:1.2), (no duplicate ears:1.2), bad finger, extra finger, bad detail body, orange,red, Modelos Modelo Base ColorMax AniAir - 1

LoRA Multiple views - 1

0.8 LoRA Bursting Breasts | Undersized Clothes - FefaAIart - 1.0

0.8 LoRA Underboob Bikini - v1


Añadir LoRA Añadir Embedding

Añadir ControlNet VAE vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt Configuración Relación de Aspecto Método de Sampleo DPM++ SDE Karras Pasos de Sampleo 25 Escala CFG 10 Semilla Haz click para usar la semilla de la imagen actual 1215969755 Dejar vacío para semilla aleatoria Dejar vacío para semilla aleatoria Configuración Avanzada Hires.fix Escalar por factor de: (redimensionando de 768x512 a 1536x1024) Upscaler 4x-UltraSharp Etapas de Upscaling 25 Fuerza de Denoising 0.5 ADetailer Modelo ADetailer

Añadir LoRA Prompt ADetailer Naturally Radiant, (large expressive Captivating Eyes), Sculpted Cheekbones, Seductive Lips, long thick eyelashes, Enchanting Allure. Prompt Negativo ADetailer poorly drawn face, EasynegativeV2 Umbral de confianza del modelo de detección 0.5 Difuminado de máscara de Inpaint 4 Fuerza de Denoising 0.5


(masterpiece), (best quality), (ultra-detailed), woman, tan_skin, gigantic breast, beautiful breast shape, Tear Drop breast, smile, no clothing, high heels, nudity, hand holding rifle, long hair,

white background, charactersheet, full body, multiple views full body upper body, character design, front view design, back view design, side_view_design, black_socks,tattoos

,Milf, mature female, gigantic sagging breasts,nipples, large breasts, gigantic breasts, sagging breasts,upshirt Prompt Negativo (EasyNegative), verybadimagenegative_v1.3, (worst quality, low quality:1.2), (no duplicate ears:1.2), bad finger, extra finger, bad detail body, orange,red, Modelos Modelo Base ColorMax AniAir - 1

LoRA Multiple views - 1

0.8 LoRA Bursting Breasts | Undersized Clothes - FefaAIart - 1.0

0.8 LoRA Underboob Bikini - v1


Añadir LoRA Añadir Embedding

Añadir ControlNet VAE vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt Configuración Relación de Aspecto Método de Sampleo DPM++ SDE Karras Pasos de Sampleo 25 Escala CFG 10 Semilla Haz click para usar la semilla de la imagen actual 2889682391 Dejar vacío para semilla aleatoria Dejar vacío para semilla aleatoria Configuración Avanzada Hires.fix Escalar por factor de: (redimensionando de 768x512 a 1536x1024) Upscaler 4x-UltraSharp Etapas de Upscaling 25 Fuerza de Denoising 0.5 ADetailer Modelo ADetailer

Añadir LoRA Prompt ADetailer Naturally Radiant, (large expressive Captivating Eyes), Sculpted Cheekbones, Seductive Lips, long thick eyelashes, Enchanting Allure. Prompt Negativo ADetailer poorly drawn face, EasynegativeV2 Umbral de confianza del modelo de detección 0.5 Difuminado de máscara de Inpaint 4 Fuerza de Denoising 0.5


(masterpiece), (best quality), (ultra-detailed), woman, tan_skin, gigantic breast, beautiful breast shape, Tear Drop breast, smile, no clothing, high heels, nudity, hand holding rifle, long hair,

white background, charactersheet, full body, multiple views full body upper body, character design, front view design, back view design, side_view_design, black_socks,tattoos

,Milf, mature female, gigantic sagging breasts,nipples, large breasts, gigantic breasts, sagging breasts,upshirt Prompt Negativo (EasyNegative), verybadimagenegative_v1.3, (worst quality, low quality:1.2), (no duplicate ears:1.2), bad finger, extra finger, bad detail body, orange,red, Modelos Modelo Base ColorMax AniAir - 1

LoRA Multiple views - 1

0.8 LoRA Bursting Breasts | Undersized Clothes - FefaAIart - 1.0

0.8 LoRA Underboob Bikini - v1


Añadir LoRA Añadir Embedding

Añadir ControlNet VAE vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt Configuración Relación de Aspecto Método de Sampleo DPM++ SDE Karras Pasos de Sampleo 25 Escala CFG 10 Semilla Haz click para usar la semilla de la imagen actual 2064648064 Dejar vacío para semilla aleatoria Dejar vacío para semilla aleatoria Configuración Avanzada Hires.fix ADetailer Modelo ADetailer

Añadir LoRA Prompt ADetailer Naturally Radiant, (large expressive Captivating Eyes), Sculpted Cheekbones, Seductive Lips, long thick eyelashes, Enchanting Allure. Prompt Negativo ADetailer poorly drawn face, EasynegativeV2 Umbral de confianza del modelo de detección 0.5 Difuminado de máscara de Inpaint 4 Fuerza de Denoising 0.5


(masterpiece), (best quality), (ultra-detailed), woman, tan_skin, gigantic breast, beautiful breast shape, Tear Drop breast, smile, no clothing, high heels, nudity, hand holding rifle, long hair,

white background, charactersheet, full body, multiple views full body upper body, character design, front view design, back view design, side_view_design, black_socks,tattoos

,Milf, mature female, gigantic sagging breasts,nipples, large breasts, gigantic breasts, sagging breasts,upshirt Prompt Negativo (EasyNegative), verybadimagenegative_v1.3, (worst quality, low quality:1.2), (no duplicate ears:1.2), bad finger, extra finger, bad detail body, orange,red, Modelos Modelo Base ColorMax AniAir - 1

LoRA Multiple views - 1

0.8 LoRA Bursting Breasts | Undersized Clothes - FefaAIart - 1.0

0.8 LoRA Underboob Bikini - v1


Añadir LoRA Añadir Embedding

Añadir ControlNet VAE vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt Configuración Relación de Aspecto Método de Sampleo DPM++ SDE Karras Pasos de Sampleo 25 Escala CFG 10 Semilla Haz click para usar la semilla de la imagen actual 2260453279 Dejar vacío para semilla aleatoria Dejar vacío para semilla aleatoria Configuración Avanzada Hires.fix ADetailer Modelo ADetailer

Añadir LoRA Prompt ADetailer Naturally Radiant, (large expressive Captivating Eyes), Sculpted Cheekbones, Seductive Lips, long thick eyelashes, Enchanting Allure. Prompt Negativo ADetailer poorly drawn face, EasynegativeV2 Umbral de confianza del modelo de detección 0.5 Difuminado de máscara de Inpaint 4 Fuerza de Denoising 0.5


(masterpiece), (best quality), (ultra-detailed), woman, tan_skin, gigantic breast, beautiful breast shape, Tear Drop breast, smile, no clothing, high heels, nudity, hand holding rifle, long hair,

white background, charactersheet, full body, multiple views full body upper body, character design, front view design, back view design, side_view_design, black_socks,tattoos

,Milf, mature female, gigantic sagging breasts,nipples, large breasts, gigantic breasts, sagging breasts,upshirt Prompt Negativo (EasyNegative), verybadimagenegative_v1.3, (worst quality, low quality:1.2), (no duplicate ears:1.2), bad finger, extra finger, bad detail body, orange,red, Modelos Modelo Base ColorMax AniAir - 1

LoRA Multiple views - 1

0.8 LoRA Bursting Breasts | Undersized Clothes - FefaAIart - 1.0

0.8 LoRA Underboob Bikini - v1


Añadir LoRA Añadir Embedding

Añadir ControlNet VAE vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt Configuración Relación de Aspecto Método de Sampleo DPM++ SDE Karras Pasos de Sampleo 25 Escala CFG 10 Semilla Haz click para usar la semilla de la imagen actual 772609199 Dejar vacío para semilla aleatoria Dejar vacío para semilla aleatoria Configuración Avanzada Hires.fix ADetailer Modelo ADetailer

Añadir LoRA Prompt ADetailer Naturally Radiant, (large expressive Captivating Eyes), Sculpted Cheekbones, Seductive Lips, long thick eyelashes, Enchanting Allure. Prompt Negativo ADetailer poorly drawn face, EasynegativeV2 Umbral de confianza del modelo de detección 0.5 Difuminado de máscara de Inpaint 4 Fuerza de Denoising 0.5


(masterpiece), (best quality), (ultra-detailed), woman, tan_skin, gigantic breast, beautiful breast shape, Tear Drop breast, smile, no clothing, high heels, nudity, hand holding rifle, long hair,

white background, charactersheet, full body, multiple views full body upper body, character design, front view design, back view design, side_view_design, black_socks,tattoos

,Milf, mature female, gigantic sagging breasts,nipples, large breasts, gigantic breasts, sagging breasts,upshirt Prompt Negativo (EasyNegative), verybadimagenegative_v1.3, (worst quality, low quality:1.2), (no duplicate ears:1.2), bad finger, extra finger, bad detail body, orange,red, Modelos Modelo Base ColorMax AniAir - 1

LoRA Multiple views - 1

0.8 LoRA Bursting Breasts | Undersized Clothes - FefaAIart - 1.0

0.8 LoRA Underboob Bikini - v1


Añadir LoRA Añadir Embedding

Añadir ControlNet VAE vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt Configuración Relación de Aspecto Método de Sampleo DPM++ SDE Karras Pasos de Sampleo 25 Escala CFG 10 Semilla Haz click para usar la semilla de la imagen actual 2125965557 Dejar vacío para semilla aleatoria Dejar vacío para semilla aleatoria Configuración Avanzada Hires.fix ADetailer Modelo ADetailer

Añadir LoRA Prompt ADetailer Naturally Radiant, (large expressive Captivating Eyes), Sculpted Cheekbones, Seductive Lips, long thick eyelashes, Enchanting Allure. Prompt Negativo ADetailer poorly drawn face, EasynegativeV2 Umbral de confianza del modelo de detección 0.5 Difuminado de máscara de Inpaint 4 Fuerza de Denoising 0.5

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