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it's only fair. he wanted to shag her, now he gotta pay up

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nuke,rounded_boobs, cleavage, big_boobs, high_res, solo, gigantic breasts,stockings,1 girl, 8k,nude,(nippes),pink nipple, naked, exposed pussy , abs, high heels, csr style, Nude, slingshot swimsuit, black thighhighs, lace trim, playboybunny, sexbodysuit, round ass, hourglass body shape, side tie bikini, Sexy Pose, Styles Pose,

Negative Prompt verybadimagenegative_v1.3, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), (malformed hands:1.4), (mutated fingers:1.4), text, signature, simple background, extra digits, missing digits, ears, (fused fingers), cropped, human Models Basic Model Kakarot 2.8D Retro - LH

LoRA Art Nouveau Style - Oosayam - 1.0

1.9 LoRA Clothing +/- Adjuster 衣物增/减 LoRA - 2.0



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Add ControlNet VAE vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt Settings Aspect Ratio Width 512 Height 1024 Sampling Method DPM++ SDE Karras Sampling Steps 25 CFG Scale 7 Seed Click to use current image seed 2262711311 Empty for random Empty for random Advanced Settings Hires.fix Upscale by (resize: from 512x1024 to 768x1536) Upscaler 4x-UltraSharp Hires Steps 20 Denoising Strength 0.34

I would serve master were he left me...outside

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